Cavian Us Army

Neue Armeen, Geländebau
Beiträge: 6054
Registriert: Mi 7. Sep 2011, 00:47
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Warhammer, XWing_v1, Spectre, Horus Heresy, Mortal Gods, Cruel Seas, Musket&Tomahawk, Silver Bayonet, Rebels & Patriots
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Zigor » Mo 30. Sep 2013, 14:36


Bitte noch weisse sterne auf die panzer :)
Hätte Jesus eine Knarre gehabt, würde er heute noch leben
Homer Simpson, Staffel 24, Folge 9

Beiträge: 5254
Registriert: Di 3. Jan 2012, 14:45
Spielsysteme: Zu viele - behaupten andere ;)
Wohnort: Schöneck

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von MacGuffin » Mo 30. Sep 2013, 14:37

Oder Matschflecken oder Ausrüstung oder unregelmäßigere Farbe oder sowas - die Crews haben gerne die Sterne verdeckt, weil die den perfekten Punkt markiert haben, um das Ding plattzumachen.
Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear.
- Tool

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Mo 30. Sep 2013, 14:59

Hab da noch ne idee für den nächsten M8 Greyhound :)
und decals werden bei der nächsten warlord bestellung noch geordert. Da es aber gerade die die ich haben will für die fahrzeuge nicht gibt wirds noch en moment dauern :) dann kommen auch noch decals für die inf mit bei

Beiträge: 1027
Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 15:37
Spielsysteme: W40K
Star Wars Armada
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von kaempes » Mo 30. Sep 2013, 16:28

Dill hat geschrieben:würde ich dann bald mal gern ran ,warte nur irgendwann kommt auch die Bolt Action Fressorgie bei "Feistus Dill Raclettus"

:bravo :bounce :bounce :bravo

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Di 1. Okt 2013, 01:01

So mal ne etwas andere liste mal schauen.
Die Regs sollen gemeinsam vorrücken mit hilfe des medics hoffentlich die ein oder andere wunde weg saven.
Der Mörser soll nur ein wenig rauch umher schiessen und den ein oder anderen trupp ei paar pin marker verpassen

+++ Amis (999pts) +++
+++ 1000pt Armies of the United States Roster (Platoon)) +++


Armies of the United States (Platoon) Selections:

+ Headquarters + (83pts)

* Medic (23pts)
Regular (23pts)

* Platoon Commander (60pts)
Regular Soldier (10pts)
* Second Lieutenant (50pts)
Regular (50pts)

+ Infantry + (420pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

+ Infantry Support + (156pts)

* Bazooka Team (60pts)
(Crew (2), Shaped Charge, Team Weapon)
Regular (60pts)

* Mortar Team (40pts)
* Light Mortar Team (40pts)
(Crew (3), HE (D3), Indirect Fire, Team Weapon)
Regular (40pts)

* Sniper Team (56pts)
(Crew (2), Sniper, Team Weapon)
Regular (52pts), 2x SMG (4pts)

+ Armoured Cars + (135pts)

* M8 Greyhound (135pts)
(Armoured Car, Coaxial MMG, Open Topped, Recce, Turret-mounted Light AT Gun)
Pintle-Mounted HMG (25pts), Regular (110pts)

+ Tanks, Tank Destroyers, Self-propelled Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Vehicles + (205pts)

* M4A1/A2/A3/A4 Sherman 75MM (205pts)
(75MM AT-gun, Coaxial MMG, Forward Facing Hull Mounted MMG, Gyro Stabilized, Medium Tank, Turret-mounted Medium AT Gun)
M4A3 (10pts), Regular (195pts)

Roster Rule Summary:

* Air Superiority: null
* Fire And Manoeuvre: null
* Gyro-stabilisers: null

Selection Rule Summary:

* 75MM AT-gun: HE: Instead of causing D2 HE hits, an HE shell causes D6 hits.
* Armoured Car: Damage Value 7+
* Coaxial MMG
* Crew (2)
* Crew (3)
* Forward Facing Hull Mounted MMG
* Gyro Stabilized
* HE (D3): Hits are multiplied by the modifier
Hits against infantry that reacts going Down are halved rounding down
If able to fire both HE and Anti-tank, when firing from Ambush, must specify which round is loaded
D3 Hits, 1 Pin Marker, +1 PEN
* Indirect Fire: Can target only units without minimum range
Requires 6 to hit on first attempt: -1 for each successive attempt if firer and target have not moved. If a hit is scored, all further attempts are at 2+
Can target enemy units even if friends are in the way, as long as it has line of sight
When firing at vehicles hits top armour and adds +1 PEN and +1 to Damage Rolls
Cannot be given Ambush orders
Can fire Smoke Screens
* Medium Tank: Damage Value 9+
* Open Topped: Can be Pinned by small arms fire
If damaged by assaulting infantry, open topped vehicle are Destroyed automatically
If hit by indirect HE fire, add +1 to PEN AND +1 to damage rolls
* Recce: If fired at or assaulted can attempt to Escape
* Shaped Charge: Suffers -1 on all rolls to hit
Never suffer -1 penalty at penetration for firing at long range
* Sniper: When firing under Fire or Ambush orders only:
Range is 36" and hits at +1
Can target a specific model as per Exceptional Damage
Ignores all penalties for cover
Ignores the Gun Shield rule
* Team Weapon: A minimum of two crew is required to fire at full effect. If only one crew is left, fires at -1 to hit and has -1 morale
* Turret-mounted Light AT Gun
* Turret-mounted Medium AT Gun

Created with BattleScribe (

Wenn dann der pershing da ist und ich noch nen truck und ne ari bestell komm ich dann auf knappe 2700 punkte :-)

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Mi 9. Okt 2013, 13:03

So mal wieder ein status update am Montag kam Der mit Sandsäcken gepanzerte Sherman mit 76mm Kanone und der Calliope Turm für die jute Betty

Beides ist nun gebaut und Grundiert
Der Turm ist mit Magneten versehen worden damit ich die Jute Betty auch so noch einsetzen kann Bilder folgen noch

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Di 12. Nov 2013, 00:43

So auch von mir mal ne neue liste die vier standards werden nun mehr nach ami taktik gespielt also mehr bewegen und schiessen hatte mit dem gedanken gespielt einen vet sherman mal zu testen da aber nur die kanone davon profitiert viel die wahl wieder auf den reg
+++ airforce (998pts) +++
+++ 1000pt Armies of the United States Roster (Platoon)) +++


Armies of the United States (Platoon) Selections:

+ Headquarters + (158pts)

* Forward Observer (75pts)
* Air Forward Observer (75pts)
Regular (75pts)

* Medic (23pts)
Regular (23pts)

* Platoon Commander (60pts)
Regular Soldier (10pts)
* Second Lieutenant (50pts)
Regular (50pts)

+ Infantry + (411pts)

* Engineer Squad (96pts)
2x BAR M1918A2 (10pts), SMG (3pts), 7x Soldier (70pts)
* NCO (13pts)
Smg (3pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Early/Mid- War) (105pts)
BAR M1918A2 (5pts), 9x Soldier (90pts)
* NCO (10pts)

+ Infantry Support + (114pts)

* Bazooka Team (60pts)
(Crew (2), Shaped Charge, Team Weapon)
Regular (60pts)

* Sniper Team (54pts)
(Crew (2), Sniper, Team Weapon)
Regular (52pts), SMG (2pts)

+ Armoured Cars + (110pts)

* M8 Greyhound (110pts)
(Armoured Car, Coaxial MMG, Open Topped, Recce, Turret-mounted Light AT Gun)
Regular (110pts)

+ Tanks, Tank Destroyers, Self-propelled Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Vehicles + (205pts)

* M4A1/A2/A3/A4 Sherman 75MM (205pts)
(75MM AT-gun, Coaxial MMG, Forward Facing Hull Mounted MMG, Gyro Stabilized, Medium Tank, Turret-mounted Medium AT Gun)
M4A3 (10pts), Regular (195pts)

Roster Rule Summary:

* Air Superiority: null
* Fire And Manoeuvre: null
* Gyro-stabilisers: null

Selection Rule Summary:

* 75MM AT-gun: HE: Instead of causing D2 HE hits, an HE shell causes D6 hits.
* Armoured Car: Damage Value 7+
* Coaxial MMG
* Crew (2)
* Forward Facing Hull Mounted MMG
* Gyro Stabilized
* Medium Tank: Damage Value 9+
* Open Topped: Can be Pinned by small arms fire
If damaged by assaulting infantry, open topped vehicle are Destroyed automatically
If hit by indirect HE fire, add +1 to PEN AND +1 to damage rolls
* Recce: If fired at or assaulted can attempt to Escape
* Shaped Charge: Suffers -1 on all rolls to hit
Never suffer -1 penalty at penetration for firing at long range
* Sniper: When firing under Fire or Ambush orders only:
Range is 36" and hits at +1
Can target a specific model as per Exceptional Damage
Ignores all penalties for cover
Ignores the Gun Shield rule
* Team Weapon: A minimum of two crew is required to fire at full effect. If only one crew is left, fires at -1 to hit and has -1 morale
* Turret-mounted Light AT Gun
* Turret-mounted Medium AT Gun

Created with BattleScribe (

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Fr 20. Jun 2014, 16:46

So neuen Rekrutierungswellen folgend ein neues Status update.
Anbei der neue Plastik Sherman von Warlord und Italerie

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Fr 20. Jun 2014, 17:12

Morgen kommt dann noch die Hellcat von Warlord dazu da ich heute nicht mehr die Lust hab weiter zu machen :)

Beiträge: 1006
Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 16:05
Spielsysteme: Whfb CE
,wh40k 2nd edi. ,Bolt Action ,Talisman
Wohnort: Nidderau Ostheim

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Dill » Fr 20. Jun 2014, 17:37

ja super sieht schön aus
Dill ist bekömmlich !!!
