Aber in meinem Kopf blieb immer der Gedanke "Eines Tages kaufst du dir alles zurück und beginnst ein tolles Herr der Ringe-Projekt". Dieser Gedanke wurde Ende letzten Jahres durch erneutes Anschauen der Filme befeuert.... Und so begann ich im Januar bei diversen Vereinsmitgliedern (danke nochmals!) und bei Conventions gebrauchte Minis zu kaufen.
Die ersten Früchte meines Projekt seht ihr hier. Eine tolle Uruk-hai Armee. Noch nicht ganz fertig (Warge und Saruman/Grimar benötigen noch etwas Aufmerksamkeit). Spielen möchte ich das Ganze mit meinen Kindern, die auch große HdR-Fans sind. Als Regelwerk werde ich Dragon Rampant verwendent, weil geil
**Uruks --- 60 points**
* Uruk-hai Command Unit (Heavy Foot) (12 models) -- 7 points
- Offensive
- Hatred
- Leader
* Uruk-hai Pike (Heavy Foot) (12 models)-- 5 points
- Hatred
* Uruk-hai Pike (Heavy Foot) (12 models)-- 5 points
- Hatred
* Uruk-hai Pike (Heavy Foot) (12 models) -- 5 points
- Hatred
* Uruk-hai Pike (Heavy Foot) (12 models) -- 5 points
- Hatred
* Uruk-hai Berserkers Storming Party (Bellicose Foot) (reduzed size unit - 6 models) -- 7 points
- Exploder
- Hatred
* Warg-Reiter (Light Riders) (6 models)-- 7 points
- Hatred
- Venomous
* Warg-Reiter (Light Riders) (6 models)-- 7 points
- Hatred
- Venomous
* Saruman & Grimar (Elite Foot) (reduzed size unit - 2 models) -- 12 points
- Missiles
- Spellcaster
- Leader
Counter-charge vs. foot: When an enemy has successfully diced to Attack this unit, but before it moves, this unit may test for a counter-charge. Test for an Attack at 7+. If it succeeds, the two units meet a proportionate movement distance between their start positions, and both count as Attacking. If it fails, it stands in place for the enemy's charge. Counter-charge may not be used if the unit is Battered.
Evade: When an enemy has successfully diced to Attack this unit, but before it moves, this unit may test to Evade at 7+. If it succeeds, it immediately carries out a Skirmish action targeting the Attacking unit only, may not move closer to the Attacking unit, and must avoid other units by 3" as usual; casualties inflicted in the Skirmish action cause a Courage test only at the end of the Attack. The charging unit then moves its full charge distance following the Evading unit; if it makes contact it Attacks with the Evading unit reducing its Armour to 1, and if it cannot contact it must move as close as possible. If the Evade test fails, the unit stands in place and awaits attack without shooting or moving, and its Armour drops to 1 during the Attack. Evade cannot be used if the unit is Battered.
Exploder: As an ordered activation successful on 5+, an Exploder unit will explode. A failed activation test means an implosion occurs, and the unit is removed from play without damaging any other units, and counts as casualties. The explosion affects all units – friend and foe alike – within a 6" radius of the exploding unit. This works exactly as a Shoot action hitting on 3+ (the number of dice rolled depending on the Exploder's Strength Points, as for all Shooting), but affects all units within the blast zone. Once exploded, the Exploder unit is removed from the table and counts as destroyed.
Fleet Footed: This unit does not halve its movement in rough terrain.
Hatred: Units with Hatred gain the Wild Charge against enemy units they have Hatred of. Units with Hatred that already have the Wild Charge special rule automatically pass their Wild Charge tests against enemy units they have Hatred of, meaning that your unit must always Attack.
Leader: The leader of the army.
Ranger: This unit uses its normal Attack/Defence/Armour profile when fighting in rough terrain.
Skirmish: As an ordered activation, successful on a 7+, the unit may choose to make a half move and Shoot either before or after this movement takes place. All models in the unit Shoot with –1 to their dice scores.
Spellcaster: Can cast all Spells from the Spell Table.
Venomous: Any Attack die (but not Defence die) that rolls 6 does 2 Strength Points of damage.
Wall of Spears: There needs to be 6 or more Strength Points in unit to form a Wall of Spears. On a Move order, form the unit into base-to-base contact; a Wall of Spears cannot form in rough terrain or in cover, and it cannot move in this formation. Wall of Spears increases their Armour by 1 point against Attacks but not Shooting (to 4 for Heavy Foot). If the unit becomes Battered or must retreat while in a Wall of Spears, the formation is broken.
Wild Charge: If the unit is within Attack range of an enemy unit, you must test to activate an Attack; this is the only order the unit can be given. Wild Charge may not be used if the unit is Battered.
Spell name Difficulty Target Duration Effect Almighty Prod! 6+ Friendly unit within 18" Until start of player's next activation phase (unless used before that). If the target unit fails its next Ordered Activation roll it may immediately re-roll the test (once). The spell’s effect ends immediately whether successful or not. Banish Fear! 6+ Friendly unit within 18" Until the start of the player's next activation phase. The target unit may re-roll all failed Courage tests (once per test). Heal Thee! 7+ Friendly unit within 18" 1 immediate action Restore 1 Strength Point to a friendly unit within range. Strength may not rise above unit's original value. Befuddle Thee! 7+ Enemy unit within 18" Until the unit Rallies Automatically Batters an Unbattered unit within range. Bog Thee! 7+ Enemy unit within 18" Until the end of the target's next activation phase. A quagmire springs up around the target unit; any movement or combat it is involved in counts as in rough terrain. Movement of other units is not affected. There is no effect if the target unit is in or moves into 'real' rough terrain. Dragon's Breath! 7+ Self or any unit within 18" Until the end of the target's next activation phase. A magical wall of mist or fog is thrown up around the target unit; it may not Shoot or be Shot at, but may still be targeted by spells and moves as normal (the Dragon's Breath moves with it). Power Bolt! 7+ Enemy unit within 18" 1 immediate Shoot action A magical attack of flame, electric, poison, or whatever else suits your Spellcaster. This works exactly as a Shoot action, with a Shoot Value of 4+ (suffering –1 to dice rolls for targets over 12" away). Sharper Blades! 7+ Self or friendly unit within 18" Until the start of the player's next activation phase. The target unit may re-roll all failed Attack or Defence dice (once per Attack). Stronger Shields! 7+ Self or friendly unit within 18" Until the start of the player's next activation phase. The target unit's Armor increases by 1. Sod-off Spell! 8+ One bespelled unit within 18" Immediate cancellation This spell cancels out the effect of any spells currently affecting one unit with a duration of 'Until the start of the player's next activation phase' or 'Until the unit Rallies'. If successful, the effect of all applicable spells on the targeted units are ended immediately. The spellcaster cannot target itself.