ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Di 9. Apr 2019, 12:05
Spielsysteme: AoS, 40k, Saga, Freebooters, Bolt Action

ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von _Narrenkönig_ » So 28. Apr 2024, 16:39



Division Original Saga
  • Philipp
    Martin H.

Philipp vs. Daniel
Norbert vs.Julian
Martin H. vs. Pascal

Daniel vs. Norbert
Martin H vs. Philipp
Pascal vs. Julian

Martin H vs. Daniel
Pascal vs. Norbert
Julian vs. Philipp

Daniel vs. Pascal
Julian vs. Martin H.
Philipp vs. Norbert

Julian vs. Daniel
Philipp vs. Pascal
Norbert vs. Martin H.

Divion Prequel Saga
  • Thorsten
    Martin J.

Thorsten vs. Ingo
Patrick vs. Alex
Martin J. vs. Thilo

Ingo vs. Patrick
Martin J. vs. Thorsten
Thilo vs. Alex

Martin J. vs. Ingo
Thilo vs. Patrick
Alex vs. Thorsten

Ingo vs. Thilo
Alex vs. Martin J.
Thorsten vs. Patrick

Alex vs. Ingo
Thorsten vs. Thilo
Patrick vs. Martin J.
Zuletzt geändert von _Narrenkönig_ am So 30. Jun 2024, 15:48, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do 18. Aug 2022, 21:28
Spielsysteme: SWL / SWA / SWXWING / SWSP / Summoners / LI / BA / BG / BT /Freebooters Fate

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Highn » Mo 3. Jun 2024, 18:14

Armeelisten für den Ligamonat "Juni" der Division
Original Saga

800/800 (8 activations)
- Moff Gideon (100): Aggressive Tactics (15), Tenacity (6), The Darksaber (15) = 136
- Scout Troopers = 48
- Shoretroopers = 52
- 3× Death Troopers (72): RT-97C Stormtrooper (24), E-11D Config (0) = 288
- Stormtroopers = 44
- Imperial Dark Troopers (95): SM-9 Frag Launcher (45), XS-IV Assault Cannon (55), Imperial Dark Trooper (32), Programmed Loyalty (5) = 232

Commands: • Die at My Hand, • Covert Observation, •• You Have Something I Want, •• Pinned Down, ••• Moment of Consideration, ••• Coordinated Fire, •••• Standing Orders


794/800 (8 activations)
Stormtroopers (53)
- R4 Astromech Droid (9)
Stormtroopers (53)
- R4 Astromech Droid (9)
Scout Troopers (48)
Scout Troopers (48)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (70)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (70)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (74)
- Emergency Transponder (4)
Major Marquand (190)
AT-ST (188)
- Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10)
- 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (10)
- DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher (8)
- Linked Targeting Array (5)

Command Hand
•Gunner, Infantry!
•Drive Them Out
••Pinned Down
•••Constantly Alert
••••Standing Orders

Martin H.:

798/800 (8 activations)
- Yoda (200): Force Barrier (10), Force Push (10), Force Guidance (5), Vigilance (12) = 237
- Padmé Amidala (85): Seize the Initiative (5) = 90
- Phase I Clone Troopers (52): RPS-6 Trooper (21), Clone Medic (15) = 88
- Phase I Clone Troopers (52): DC-15 Trooper (24), Clone Medic (15) = 91
- Phase I Clone Troopers (52): Boil (15) = 67
- 3× Clone Commandos (75): Katarn Pattern Armor (0), DC-17m ICWS Config (0) = 225

Commands: • Our Fate is in Your Hands, • Size Matters Not, •• There Is No Try, •• Aggressive Negotiations, ••• Diplomatic Cover, ••• Luminous Beings Are We, •••• Standing Orders


796/800 (10 activations)
- Director Krennic (75): Electrobinoculars (8) = 83
- Shoretroopers (52): Gideon Hask (29) = 81
- Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32) = 84
- 2× DF-90 Mortar Trooper (40) = 80
Special Forces:
- 2× Death Troopers (72): DLT-19D Trooper (30), E-11D Config (0) = 204
- 3× Range Troopers (60): T-21A Range Trooper (28) = 264

Commands: • Voracious Ambition, • Covert Observation, •• Deploy the Garrison, •• Pinned Down, ••• Annihilation Looms, •••• Standing Orders


793/800 (9 activations)
Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) 100 + 25 = 125
--Aggressive Tactics (15), Esteemed Leader (5), Prepared Supplies (5)
2x B2 Super Battle Droids 45 + 32 = 77 x 2 = 154
--B2-HA Trooper (32)
2x B1 Battle Droids 38 + 12 = 50 x 2 = 100
--PK-series Worker Droid (12)
2x IG-100 MagnaGuard (Prototype Assassin Droids) 60 + 34 = 94 x 2 = 188
--RPS-6 MagnaGuard (34)
2x BX-Series Droid Commandos 64 + 49 = 113 x 2 = 226
--BX-Series Droid Sniper (30), Offensive Push (6), Deflector Shields (10), Impact Grenades (3)

Ambush•, They Too Will Suffer•, Orbital Strike••, Preservation Protocols••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Roger, Roger!•••, Standing Orders••••


800/800 (9 activations)
- Han Solo (100): Vigilance (12), Up Close and Personal (8), Environmental Gear (2) = 122
- Luke Skywalker (195): Burst of Speed (10), Force Push (10), Saber Throw (5), Offensive Stance (5) = 225
- Chewbacca = 90
- Rebel Troopers (40): DLT-20A Trooper (26), Rebel Trooper (7) = 73
- 2× Rebel Veterans (48): CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9) = 166
- 2× Medium Blaster Trooper (38) = 76
Special Forces:
- Commando Strike Team (20): DH-447 Sniper (28) = 48

Commands: • Son of Skywalker, ••• Notorious Scoundrels, ••• Change of Plans, • You Serve Your Master Well, •• Reckless Diversion, •• Full of Surprises, •••• Standing Orders

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do 18. Aug 2022, 21:28
Spielsysteme: SWL / SWA / SWXWING / SWSP / Summoners / LI / BA / BG / BT /Freebooters Fate

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Highn » Mo 3. Jun 2024, 18:23

Armeelisten für den Ligamonat "Juni" der Division
Prequel Saga

11 Activations

Cassian Andor 90
--A280-CFE (0)
Han Solo 100 + 13 = 113
--Improvised Orders (5), Up Close and Personal (8)
K-2SO 70 + 10 = 80
--Jyn's SE-14 Blaster (10)
Chewbacca 90 + 11 = 101
--Protector (5), Tenacity (6)
Rebel Troopers 40 + 21 = 61
--SX-21 Trooper (13), R5 Astromech Droid (8)
Fleet Troopers 40

Rebel Troopers 40 + 34 = 74
--DLT-20A Trooper (26), Rebel Trooper Specialist (8)
Rebel Pathfinders 56 + 32 = 88
--Bistan (28), Duck and Cover (2), Recon Intel (2), A-300 (0)
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 20 + 28 = 48
--DH-447 Sniper (28)
Ewok Slingers 35

AT-RT 55 + 15 = 70
--AT-RT Flamethrower (15)

Crack Shot•, Sorry About the Mess•, Reckless Diversion••, Last Stand••, Change of Plans•••, Volunteer Mission•••, Standing Orders••••


8 Activations
Anakin Skywalker 155 + 27 = 182
--Force Push (10), Saber Throw (5), Endurance (6), Tenacity (6)
Obi-Wan Kenobi 170 + 20 = 190
--Force Barrier (10), Force Reflexes (5), Offensive/Defensive Stance (5)
Phase I Clone Troopers 52 + 15 = 67
--Boil (15)
Phase II Clone Troopers 60 + 42 = 102
--Z-6 Phase II Trooper (27), Clone Medic (15)
Phase I Clone Troopers 52 + 37 = 89
--Z-6 Phase I Trooper (22), Clone Medic (15)
Arc Troopers (Strike Team) 24 + 31 = 55
--DC-15x ARC Trooper (31)
2x BARC Speeder 55 x 2 = 110

Not a Story the Jedi Would Tell, This Is Where the Fun Begins•, Hello There!•, You Underestimate My Power••, Knowledge and Defense••, Hero of the Clone Wars•••, General Kenobi•••, Standing Orders••••

Martin J.:

Herr Freitag Liga Spiel 1
798/800 (10 activations)
- Imperial Officer (50): Improvised Orders (5) = 55
- Seventh Sister (110): Inquisitorius Training (5), Force Push (10) = 125
- Fifth Brother (105): Inquisitorius Training (5), Force Push (10) = 120
- 2× Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32) = 168
- 2× DF-90 Mortar Trooper (40) = 80
Special Forces:
- Royal Guards (69): Protector (5) = 74
- 2× Range Troopers (60): T-21A Range Trooper (28) = 176

Commands: • Ambush, • Come and Prove It, •• You Would Question Me?, ••• You Hide Your Fear Well, ••• I Care Not For Your Struggles, •• Unexpected, But Not Unwelcome, •••• Standing Orders


Poggle and Maul are going forward
9 Activations

Poggle the Lesser (Public Leader of the Geonosians) 85 + 10 = 95
--Improvised Orders (5), Esteemed Leader (5)

Maul 160 + 27 = 187
--Force Push (10), Saber Throw (5), Into the Fray (4), Up Close and Personal (8)

2x B2 Super Battle Droids 45 + 44 = 89 x 2 = 178
--B2-HA Trooper (32), PK-series Worker Droid (12)

B2 Super Battle Droids 45 + 30 = 75
--B2-ACM Trooper (24), Viper Recon Droid (6)

B2 Super Battle Droids 45 + 35 = 80
--B2-ACM Trooper (24), Viper Recon Droid (6), Comms Relay (5)

3x Geonosian Warriors 45 + 15 = 60 x 3 = 180
--Force Pike Warrior (15)

Let the Executions Begin!•, Duel of the Fates•, The Phantom Menace••, We Serve the Queen••, At Last•••, We Make Weapons•••, Standing Orders••••


Droideka Action
795/800 (9 activations)
- Kalani (100): Aggressive Tactics (15) = 115
- 2× IG-100 MagnaGuard (60): RPS-6 MagnaGuard (34) = 188
- 2× Battle Droids (38): E-5s Trooper (18) = 112
Special Forces:
- 2× BX-Series Droid Commandos (64): BX-Series Droid Sniper (30), Offensive Push (6), Deflector Shields (10), Sonic Imploders (3) = 226
- BX-Series Droid Commandos (64): Offensive Push (6), Vibroswords (6), Sonic Imploders (3) = 79
- Droidekas (70): Linked Targeting Array (5) = 75

Commands: • Mechanized Incursion, • They Too Will Suffer, •• Orbital Strike, •• Preservation Protocols, ••• Roger, Roger!, ••• Do Not Underestimate Our Means, •••• Standing Orders


10 Activations

Cassian Andor 90 + 15 = 105
--Duck and Cover (2), Up Close and Personal (8), Prepared Supplies (5), A280-CFE (0)
Jyn Erso 90 + 18 = 108
--Commanding Presence (5), Seize the Initiative (5), Electrobinoculars (8), A-180 (0)
K-2So 70 + 9 = 79
--Emergency Transponder (4), Jyn's SE-14 Blaster (5)
2x Rebellentruppler 40 + 32 = 72 x 2 = 144
--Z-6 Trooper (20), Rebel Trooper (7), Prepared Supplies (5)
Fusssoldaten des Pyke-Syndikats 44 + 18 = 62
--Pyke Syndicate Capo (18)
Rebellenveteranen 48 + 40 = 88
--CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9), Prepared Supplies (5)
Flottentruppler 40 + 12 = 52
--Fleet Trooper (7), Prepared Supplies (5)
AT-RT 55 + 25 = 80
--AT-RT Rotary Blaster (20), Long-Range Comlink (5)
1.4-FD-Lasergeschütz-Team 65 + 8 = 73
--Long-Range Comlink (5), Barrage Generator (3)

Crack Shot•, Ambush•, Last Stand••, Turning the Tide••, Complete the Mission•••, Assault•••, Standing Orders••••

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do 18. Aug 2022, 21:28
Spielsysteme: SWL / SWA / SWXWING / SWSP / Summoners / LI / BA / BG / BT /Freebooters Fate

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Highn » So 30. Jun 2024, 22:31

Aktueller Stand der Division:
Prequel Saga

IMG-20240630-WA0018.jpg (49.32 KiB) 4730 mal betrachtet
IMG-20240630-WA0017.jpg (56.37 KiB) 4730 mal betrachtet
Armeelisten für den Ligamonat "Juli" der Division:
Prequel Saga


800/800 (9 activations)
- Leia Organa (75): Vigilance (12), Improvised Orders (5) = 92
- Luke Skywalker (195): Saber Throw (5), Jedi Mind Trick (5), Hope (3), Offensive Stance (5) = 213
- Rebel Veterans (48): CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9), Recon Intel (2) = 85
- Medium Blaster Trooper (38): Long-Range Comlink (5) = 43
- Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers (44): Pyke Syndicate Capo (18), Recon Intel (2) = 64
- 2× Rebel Troopers (40): Z-6 Trooper (20), Rebel Trooper (7), Prepared Supplies (5) = 144
Special Forces:
- Wookiee Warriors (69): Tenacity (6), Duck and Cover (2), Recon Intel (2) = 79
- AT-RT (55): Rotary Blaster (20), Long-Range Comlink (5) = 80

Commands: •• No Time for Sorrows, •• My Ally is the Force, ••• I am a Jedi, ••• Assault, • Sabotaged Communications, • Ambush, •••• Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Key Positions
- Recover the Supplies
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Advanced Positions
- Disarray
- Major Offensive
- Roll Out
- Clear Conditions
- Limited Visibility
- Fortified Positions
- Supply Drop


10 Activations

Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) 100 + 15 = 115
--Improvised Orders (5), Underworld Connections (5), Comms Relay (5)
Cad Bane 105 + 21 = 126
--Situational Awareness (4), Duck and Cover (2), Comms Relay (5), Electro Gauntlets (10)
Bossk 105 + 4 = 109
--Targeting Scopes (4)
B1 Battle Droids 38 + 20 = 58
--PK-series Worker Droid (12), Electrobinoculars (8)
3x B1 Battle Droids 38 + 18 = 56 x 3 = 168
--E-5s B1 Trooper (18)
B1 Battle Droids 38 + 10 = 48
--HQ Uplink (10)
2x DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid 55 + 33 = 88 x 2 = 176
--Attack Protocols (3), Nose-Mounted Ion Blaster (25), Linked Targeting Array (5)

Advanced Positions, Major Offensive, Roll Out, Battle Lines

Recover the Supplies, Intercept the Transmissions, Breakthrough, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators

Hostile Environment, Minefield, Supply Drop, Clear Conditions

I'm Your Worst Nightmare•, Merciless Munitions•, I'm in Control••, Reptilian Rampage••, I Make the Rules Now•••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Standing Orders••••

Martin J.:

2. Ligaspiel Herr_Freitag
797/800 (10 activations)
- Imperial Officer = 50
- Seventh Sister (110): Inquisitorius Training (5), Force Push (10) = 125
- Bossk (105): Hunter (6), Targeting Scopes (4) = 115
- 2× Shoretroopers (52): T-21B Trooper (32) = 168
- 2× DF-90 Mortar Trooper (40) = 80
- Stormtroopers (44): DLT-19 Stormtrooper (20), Medical Droid (19) = 83
- 2× Range Troopers (60): T-21A Range Trooper (28) = 176

Commands: •• Reptilian Rampage, ••• Lying In Wait, ••• Coordinated Fire, • Come and Prove It, • Covert Observation, •• Pinned Down, •••• Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Hostage Exchange
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Key Positions
- The Long March
- Hemmed In
- Major Offensive
- Advanced Positions
- Clear Conditions
- Supply Drop
- Hostile Environment
- War Weary


Exp Droids
Super Tactical Droid - Kraken (123)
- Aggressive Tactics (15)
- Tenacity (6)
- Recon Intel (2)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (99)
- Electro-whip MagnaGuard (28)
- Offensive Push (6)
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (99)
- Electro-whip MagnaGuard (28)
- Offensive Push (6)
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
B1 Battle Droids (44)
- Viper Recon Droid (6)
B1 Battle Droids (66)
- Radiation Cannon B1 Trooper (16)
- PK-Series Worker Droid (12)
B1 Battle Droids (66)
- Radiation Cannon B1 Trooper (16)
- PK-Series Worker Droid (12)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (111)
- BX-Series Droid Sniper (30)
- Offensive Push (6)
- Vibroswords (6)
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (111)
- BX-Series Droid Sniper (30)
- Offensive Push (6)
- Vibroswords (6)
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (81)
- Offensive Push (6)
- Vibroswords (6)
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)

•They Too Will Suffer
••Orbital Strike
••Preservation Protocols
•••Roger, Roger!
•••Do Not Underestimate Our Means
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Recover the Supplies
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Key Positions
- Roll Out
- Danger Close
- Major Offensive
- Advanced Positions
- Clear Conditions
- Supply Drop
- Hostile Environment
- Fortified Positions


Range 2 Power
Anakin Skywalker (181)
- Force Push (10)
- Force Reflexes (5)
- Offensive Stance (5)
- Endurance (6)
Clone Captain Rex (102)
- Recon Intel (2)
- JT-12 Jetpacks (10)
Phase II Clone Troopers (117)
- Fives (40)
- Clone Medic (15)
- Recon Intel (2)
Phase I Clone Troopers (87)
- DP-23 Phase I Trooper (20)
- Clone Medic (15)
Phase I Clone Troopers (87)
- DP-23 Phase I Trooper (20)
- Boil (15)
Clone Commandos (75)
- Katarn Pattern Armor (0)
- DC-17m ICWS Configuration (0)
Clone Commandos (75)
- Katarn Pattern Armor (0)
- DC-17m ICWS Configuration (0)
BARC Speeder (73)
- BARC Twin Laser Gunner (18)
•This is Where the Fun Begins
•Call Me Captain
••You Underestimate My Power
••Take That, Clankers!
•••Hero of the Clone Wars
•••We're Not Programmed
••••Standing Orders
Battle Deck
- Hostage Exchange
- Recover the Supplies
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Key Positions
- Danger Close
- Hemmed In
- Advanced Positions
- Roll Out
- Supply Drop
- Fortified Positions
- Clear Conditions
- Limited Visibility



11 Activations

R2-D2 55

Din Djarin 105 + 44 = 149

--Tenacity (6), Comms Jammer (5), Emergency Stims (8), The Mando's Jetpack (15), Din's Amban Rifle (10)

Fleet Troopers 40 + 8 = 48

--Electrobinoculars (8)

Fleet Troopers 40

2x Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper 38 x 2 = 76

2x Rebel Veterans 48 + 26 = 74 x 2 = 148

--CM-0/93 Trooper (26)

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team 65 + 8 = 73

--Linked Targeting Array (5), Overcharged Generator (3)

Swoop Bike Riders 65

X-34 Landspeeder 60 + 75 = 135

--Refurbished "Gonk" Droid (14), RPS-6 Rocket Gunner (21), Wedge Antilles (5), M-45 Ion Blaster (25), HQ Uplink (10)

Ambush•, This is the Way•, Push••, I Like Those Odds••, Covering Fire•••, Assault•••, Standing Orders••••

Battle Lines, Hemmed In, Roll Out, Disarray

Key Positions, Intercept the Transmissions, Breakthrough, Bombing Run

Limited Visibility, Supply Drop, Rapid Reinforcements, Minefield

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Di 9. Apr 2019, 12:05
Spielsysteme: AoS, 40k, Saga, Freebooters, Bolt Action

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von _Narrenkönig_ » Mo 1. Jul 2024, 00:05

Ergebnisse der Division Original Saga- Juni Spiele
Original Spiele Juni.PNG
Original Spiele Juni.PNG (10.77 KiB) 4716 mal betrachtet
Original Tabelle Juni.PNG
Original Tabelle Juni.PNG (7.91 KiB) 4716 mal betrachtet

Listen Division Original Saga

Remnant Gunline 2
Imperial Officer (55)
- Improvised Orders (5)
Imperial Death Troopers (94)
- HH-12 Stormtrooper (16)
- Offensive Push (6)
- E-11D Configuration (0)
Imperial Death Troopers (94)
- HH-12 Stormtrooper (16)
- Offensive Push (6)
- E-11D Configuration (0)
Scout Troopers (70)
- T-21 Stormtrooper (22)
Shoretroopers (52)
Stormtroopers (44)
Imperial Dark Troopers (195)
- SM-9 Frag Launcher (45)
- XS-IV Assault Cannon (55)
Imperial Dark Troopers (195)
- SM-9 Frag Launcher (45)
- XS-IV Assault Cannon (55)

•Covert Observation
••Pinned Down
•••Coordinated Fire
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Breakthrough
- Payload
- Key Positions
- Recover the Supplies
- Advanced Positions
- Battle Lines
- The Long March
- Major Offensive
- Clear Conditions
- Fortified Positions
- Supply Drop
- Limited Visibility

Moff Gideon (136)
- Aggressive Tactics (15)
- Tenacity (6)
- The Darksaber3 (15)
Scout Troopers (48)
Shoretroopers (52)
Imperial Dark Troopers (232)
- SM-9 Frag Launcher (45)
- XS-IV Assault Cannon (55)
- Imperial Dark Trooper (32)
- Programmed Loyalty (5)
Imperial Death Troopers (96)
- RT-97C Stormtrooper (24)
- E-11D Configuration (0)
Imperial Death Troopers (96)
- RT-97C Stormtrooper (24)
- E-11D Configuration (0)
Imperial Death Troopers (96)
- RT-97C Stormtrooper (24)
- E-11D Configuration (0)
Stormtroopers (44)

•Die at My Hand
•Covert Observation
••You Have Something I Want
••Pinned Down
•••Moment of Consideration
•••Coordinated Fire
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Key Positions
- Recover the Supplies
- Advanced Positions
- Battle Lines
- The Long March
- Clear Conditions
- War Weary
- Supply Drop

Martin H.
Commando Deluxe
Yoda (225)
- Force Barrier (10)
- Force Push (10)
- Force Guidance (5)
Padme Amidala (90)
- Seize the Initiative (5)
Phase I Clone Troopers (73)
- RPS-6 Phase I Trooper (21)
Phase I Clone Troopers (67)
- Clone Medic (15)
Phase I Clone Troopers (91)
- DC-15 Phase I Trooper (24)
- Clone Medic (15)
Clone Commandos (75)
- Katarn Pattern Armor (0)
- DC-17m ICWS Configuration (0)
Clone Commandos (75)
- Katarn Pattern Armor (0)
- DC-17m ICWS Configuration (0)
Clone Commandos Delta Squad (100)
- Katarn Pattern Armor (0)
- DC-17m ICWS Configuration (0)

•Our Fate is in Your Hands
•Size Matters Not
••There Is No Try
•••Diplomatic Cover
•••Luminous Beings Are We
••Aggressive Negotiations
••••Standing Orders

Battle Deck
- Intercept the Transmissions
- Recover the Supplies
- Key Positions
- Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
- Battle Lines
- Advanced Positions
- The Long March
- Roll Out
- Clear Conditions
- Fortified Positions
- Supply Drop
- Minefield

9 Activations

Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) 100 + 25 = 125
--Aggressive Tactics (15), Esteemed Leader (5), Prepared Supplies (5)
2x B1 Battle Droids 38 + 12 = 50 x 2 = 100
--PK-series Worker Droid (12)
2x B2 Super Battle Droids 45 + 32 = 77 x 2 = 154
--B2-HA Trooper (32)
2x IG-100 MagnaGuard (Prototype Assassin Droids) 60 + 34 = 94 x 2 = 188
--RPS-6 MagnaGuard (34)
2x BX-Series Droid Commandos 64 + 49 = 113 x 2 = 226
--BX-Series Droid Sniper (30), Offensive Push (6), Deflector Shields (10), Impact Grenades (3)

They Too Will Suffer•, Ambush•, Orbital Strike••, Preservation Protocols••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Roger, Roger!•••, Standing Orders••••

Major Offensive, The Long March, Hemmed In, Disarray
Breakthrough, Bombing Run, Hostage Exchange, Recover the Supplies
Clear Conditions, Supply Drop, Hostile Environment, Limited Visibilit

Norbert - Liste Vormonat
794/800 (8 activations)
Stormtroopers (53)
- R4 Astromech Droid (9)
Stormtroopers (53)
- R4 Astromech Droid (9)
Scout Troopers (48)
Scout Troopers (48)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (70)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (70)
74-Z Speeder Bikes (74)
- Emergency Transponder (4)
Major Marquand (190)
AT-ST (188)
- Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10)
- 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (10)
- DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher (8)
- Linked Targeting Array (5)

Command Hand
•Gunner, Infantry!
•Drive Them Out
••Pinned Down
•••Constantly Alert
••••Standing Orders

Daniel - Liste Vormonat
Anmerkung: Daniels Angaben nach, spielt ihr die Kommandokarten die in der Startbox dabei waren. Wenn meine Recherche stimmt sind das folgene Karten:
Missionen - Breakthrough, Recover the Supplies, Key Positions, Intercept Transmissions
Bedingungen - Rapid Reinforcements, Limited Visibility, Hostile Environment, Clear Conditions
Aufsttelungen - the Long March, Disarray, Major Offensive, Battle Lines

800/800 (9 activations)
- Han Solo (100): Vigilance (12), Up Close and Personal (8), Environmental Gear (2) = 122
- Luke Skywalker (195): Burst of Speed (10), Force Push (10), Saber Throw (5), Offensive Stance (5) = 225
- Chewbacca = 90
- Rebel Troopers (40): DLT-20A Trooper (26), Rebel Trooper (7) = 73
- 2× Rebel Veterans (48): CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9) = 166
- 2× Medium Blaster Trooper (38) = 76
Special Forces:
- Commando Strike Team (20): DH-447 Sniper (28) = 48

Commands: • Son of Skywalker, ••• Notorious Scoundrels, ••• Change of Plans, • You Serve Your Master Well, •• Reckless Diversion, •• Full of Surprises, •••• Standing Orders

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do 18. Aug 2022, 21:28
Spielsysteme: SWL / SWA / SWXWING / SWSP / Summoners / LI / BA / BG / BT /Freebooters Fate

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Highn » Di 13. Aug 2024, 10:08

Sooooo Freunde der Star Wars Legion Liga....hier die neuen Listen für den Monat August Prequel Sage:

P.S.: Die neuen Tabellenstände werden zeitnah nachgereicht :)

Martin J.:

10 Activations

Director Orson Krennic 65 + 13 = 78
--Lead by Example (8), Improvised Orders (5)
Iden Versio 100 + 40 = 140
--Hunter (6), Situational Awareness (4), Iden's DLT-20A Rifle (15), Iden's ID10 Seeker Droid (15)
--Loadout: Situational Awareness, Iden's TL-50 Repeater
2x Stormtroopers 42 + 39 = 81 x 2 = 162
--DLT-19 Stormtrooper (20), FX-9 Medical Droid (19)
Stormtroopers 42 + 20 = 62
--DLT-19 Stormtrooper (20)
Imperial Special Forces (Inferno Squad) 34 + 70 = 104
--Gideon Hask (29), Del Meeko (35), Offensive Push (6)
2x Imperial Special Forces 68 + 33 = 101 x 2 = 202
--T-21 Special Forces Trooper (27), Offensive Push (6)
Imperial Death Troopers 72 + 30 = 102
--DLT-19D Trooper (30), E-11D (0)
TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank 125 + 24 = 149
--Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10), RT-97C Rifle Pintle (14)

Voracious Ambition•, Pulse Scan•, Deploy the Garrison••, Concussive Blast••, Tactical Strike•••, Annihilation Looms•••, Standing Orders••••

Intercept Signals, Bunker Assault, Shifting Priorities
Sweep and Clear, Bring Them to Heel, Surface Scan
Advanced Intel, Cunning Deployment, Strafing Run


10 Activations

T-series Tactical Droid 60

Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) 85 + 20 = 105
--Aggressive Tactics (15), Improvised Orders (5)
B2 Super Battle Droids 64 + 101 = 165
--B2-ACM Trooper (24), B2 Super Battle Droid Squad (77)
B2 Super Battle Droids 64 + 24 = 88
--B2-ACM Trooper (24)
2x B1 Battle Droids 38 + 12 = 50 x 2 = 100
--PK-series Worker Droid (12)
BX-Series Droid Commandos 64 + 57 = 121
--BX-Series Droid Sniper (40), Tenacity (6), Comms Jammer (5), Vibroswords (6)
BX-Series Droid Commandos 64 + 55 = 119
--BX-Series Droid Sniper (40), Tenacity (6), Vibroswords (6), Impact Grenades (3)
IG-100 MagnaGuard (Prototype Assassin Droids) 56 + 28 = 84
--Electro-whip MagnaGuard (28)
NR-N99 Persuader-class Tank Droid (Prototype Tank Droid) 130 + 28 = 158
--Defense Protocols (3), Linked Targeting Array (5), "Bunker Buster" Shells (12), High-Energy Shells (8)

They Too Will Suffer•, Mechanized Incursion•, Preservation Protocols••, Orbital Strike••, Roger, Roger!•••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Standing Orders••••

Shifting Priorities, Recover the Research, Bunker Assault
Recon Mission, Surface Scan, Sweep and Clear
Advanced Intel, Cunning Deployment, Garrison


11 Activations

Cassian Andor 90 + 2 = 92
--Duck and Cover (2), A280-CFE (0)
Leia Organa 75 + 6 = 81
--Portable Scanner (6)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) 175 + 20 = 195
--Force Reflexes (5), Burst of Speed (10), Saber Throw (5)
K-2SO 70 + 10 = 80
--Jyn's SE-14 Blaster (10)
Fleet Troopers 40 + 22 = 62
--Scatter Gun Trooper (22)
2x Rebel Troopers 40 + 27 = 67 x 2 = 134
--MPL-57 Ion Trooper (27)
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 20 + 38 = 58
--DH-447 Sniper (38)
Wookiee Warriors 69 + 37 = 106
--Battle Shield Wookiee (26), Tenacity (6), Recon Intel (5)
Rebel Pathfinders 56 + 50 = 106
--Bistan (33), Duck and Cover (2), HQ Uplink (10), Prepared Supplies (5), A-300 (0)
Rebel Commandos 48 + 38 = 86
--DH-447 Sniper (38)

Crack Shot•, Son of Skywalker•, No Time for Sorrows••, Last Stand••, Assault•••, Volunteer Mission•••, Standing Orders••••

Recover the Research, Breakthrough, Close the Pocket
Marked Targets, Recon Mission, Sweep and Clear
Cunning Deployment, Advanced Intel, Fortified Position


8 Activations

Anakin Skywalker (Burst of Speed, Force Push, Endurance, Tenacity)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Force Barrier, Force Reflexes, Offensive/Defensive Stance)
Clone Trooper Infantry (Clone Commander, DP-23 Clone Trooper, Clone Trooper Infantry Squad, Recon Intel)
2x Clone Trooper Infantry (Z-6 Clone Trooper, Clone Medic)
Arc Troopers (Strike Team) (DC-15x ARC Trooper, Hunter)
Arc Troopers (Fives, Offensive Push, Recon Intel, Impact Grenades)
Clone Commandos (Up Close and Personal, Katarn Pattern Armor, DC-17m ICWS Config)

This Is Where the Fun Begins•, Hello There!•, You Underestimate My Power••, Knowledge and Defense••, General Skywalker•••, General Kenobi•••, Standing Orders••••

Breakthrough, Shifting Priorities, Intercept Signals
Surface Scan, Marked Targets, Destroy Enemy Base
Strafing Run, Advanced Intel, Fortified Position


11 Activations

Luke Skywalker (Hero of the Rebellion) 120 + 20 = 140
--Force Reflexes (5), Inspiring Presence (5), Offensive/Defensive Stance (5), Prepared Supplies (5)
Sabine Wren 125 + 25 = 150
--Personal Combat Shield (5), Recon Intel (5), The Darksaber (15)
Ahsoka Tano 145 + 21 = 166
--Saber Throw (5), Force Barrier (10), Tenacity (6)
Rebel Troopers 40 + 28 = 68
--Z-6 Trooper (20), R5 Astromech Droid (8)
Rebel Veterans 48 + 40 = 88
--CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9), Recon Intel (5)
Rebel Troopers 40 + 27 = 67
--Z-6 Trooper (20), Rebel Trooper (7)
Fleet Troopers 40 + 15 = 55
--Fleet Trooper (7), Recon Intel (5), Concussion Grenades (3)
Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper 38

1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team 65 + 8 = 73
--Linked Targeting Array (5), Barrage Generator (3)
AT-RT 50 + 25 = 75
--AT-RT Flamethrower (15), HQ Uplink (10)
AT-RT 50 + 30 = 80
--AT-RT Rotary Blaster (20), HQ Uplink (10)

Explosions!•, I am no Jedi•, Family Reunion••, My Ally Is the Force••, Covering Fire•••, Return of the Jedi•••, Standing Orders••••
Breakthrough, Recover the Research, Bunker Assault
Recon Mission, Surface Scan, Marked Targets
Advanced Intel, Cunning Deployment, Garrison



Beiträge: 950
Registriert: Fr 6. Jan 2012, 11:24
Spielsysteme: 40K Space Wolves
BA - Deutsche
BB - irgendwo liegen noch Orks :)
Wohnort: Hasselroth

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Preda » Di 13. Aug 2024, 18:24

9 Activations

Darth Vader (Dark Lord of the Sith) 170 + 65 = 235
--Burst of Speed (10), Force Choke (10), Force Push (40), Inspiring Presence (5)

General Veers 75 + 8 = 83
--Electrobinoculars (8)

2x Snowtroopers 42 + 33 = 75 x 2 = 150
--Flametrooper (20), Snowtrooper (8), Recon Intel (5)

2x Stormtroopers 42 + 25 = 67 x 2 = 134
--T-21 Stormtrooper (20), Recon Intel (5)

E-Web Heavy Blaster Team 60 + 8 = 68
--Linked Targeting Array (5), Barrage Generator (3)

AT-ST 145 + 25 = 170
--Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10), 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (10), Linked Targeting Array (5)

TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank 125 + 29 = 154
--Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10), RT-97C Rifle Pintle (14), Linked Targeting Array (5)
Diskutiere nie mit Idioten - sie holen Dich auf ihr Niveau und schlagen Dich dort mit Erfahrung!

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do 18. Aug 2022, 21:28
Spielsysteme: SWL / SWA / SWXWING / SWSP / Summoners / LI / BA / BG / BT /Freebooters Fate

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Highn » Mi 14. Aug 2024, 14:59

Armeelisten für den Ligamonat "August" der Division "Original Saga"


13 Activations

General Veers 75
Bossk 105 + 15 = 120
--Hunter (6), Seize the Initiative (5), Targeting Scopes (4)
2x Shoretroopers 52 + 32 = 84 x 2 = 168
--T-21B Trooper (32)
3x Stormtroopers 42 + 20 = 62 x 3 = 186
--DLT-19 Stormtrooper (20)
2x DF-90 Mortar Trooper 40 x 2 = 80
Imperial Special Forces 68 + 33 = 101
--T-21 Special Forces Trooper (27), Offensive Push (6)
3x 74-Z Speeder Bikes 80 + 10 = 90 x 3 = 270
--HQ Uplink (10)

Maximum Firepower•, Merciless Munitions•, Reptilian Rampage••, Evasive Maneuvers••, Imperial Discipline•••, Lying in Wait•••, Standing Orders••••

Recover the Research, Breakthrough, Intercept Signals
Marked Targets, Recon Mission, Sweep and Clear
Cunning Deployment, Garrison, Fortified Position


10 Activations

Agent Kallus 85 + 5 = 90
--J-19 Bo-rifle (5)
Fifth Brother (The Kill is Mine) 105 + 14 = 119
--Force Reflexes (5), Inquisitorius Training (5), Into the Fray (4)
Seventh Sister (Compelled to Inflict Pain) 110 + 14 = 124
--Force Reflexes (5), Into the Fray (4), Inquisitorius Training (5)
Schneetruppen 42 + 69 = 111
--Flametrooper (20), Snowtrooper Squad (46), Impact Grenades (3)
Schneetruppen 42 + 35 = 77
--T-7 Ion Snowtrooper (24), Snowtrooper (8), Impact Grenades (3)
Schneetruppen 42 + 73 = 115
--T-7 Ion Snowtrooper (24), Snowtrooper Squad (46), Impact Grenades (3)
Schneetruppen 42 + 31 = 73
--Flametrooper (20), Snowtrooper (8), Impact Grenades (3)
3x Imperiale Ehrengarde 69 + 28 = 97 x 3 = 291
--Electrostaff Guard (21), Into the Fray (4), Impact Grenades (3)

Developing Sympathies, Face Me!•, Come and Prove It•, You Would Question
Me?••, Unexpected, but not Unwelcome••, ISB Investigation••, You Hide
Your Fear Well•••, I Care Not for your Struggles•••, Ruthless
Tactics•••, Standing Orders••••

Bunker Assault, Shifting Priorities, Breakthrough
Marked Targets, Bring Them to Heel, Sweep and Clear
Garrison, Cunning Deployment, Fortified Position


10 Activations

General Grievous 130 + 11 = 141
--Tenacity (6), Recon Intel (5)
Count Dooku 165 + 35 = 200
--Burst of Speed (10), Force Barrier (10), Force Choke (10), Improvised Orders (5)
Maul 130 + 25 = 155
--Saber Throw (5), Burst of Speed (10), Into the Fray (4), Tenacity (6)
Asajj Ventress 130 + 26 = 156
--Burst of Speed (10), Saber Throw (5), Offensive/Defensive Stance (5), Tenacity (6)
B1 Battle Droids 38 + 18 = 56
--E-60R B1 Trooper (18)
B1 Battle Droids 38 + 14 = 52
--EV-series Medical Droid (14)
B1 Battle Droids 38

DRK-1 Sith Probe Droids 35

2x IG-100 MagnaGuard 72 + 11 = 83 x 2 = 166
--Protector (5), Tenacity (6)

Fear, Surprise, Intimidation•, Trained in Your Jedi Arts•, The Sith Will Rule••, The Phantom Menace••, Yes, My Master•••, At Last•••, Standing Orders••••

Intercept Signals, Breakthrough, Bunker Assault
Marked Targets, Sweep and Clear, Recon Mission
Advanced Intel, Cunning Deployment, Fortified Position


8 Activations

Obi-Wan Kenobi 150 + 31 = 181
--Force Barrier (10), Aggressive Tactics (15), Tenacity (6)
Anakin Skywalker 155 + 11 = 166
--Saber Throw (5), Tenacity (6)
Clone Trooper Infantry 56 + 44 = 100
--Clone Commander (22), DP-23 Clone Trooper (22)
2x Clone Trooper Infantry 56 + 61 = 117 x 2 = 234
--Clone Captain (22), DP-23 Clone Trooper (22), Clone Medic (17)
3x Wookie-Krieger 69 + 37 = 106 x 3 = 318
--Battle Shield Wookiee (26), Tenacity (6), Recon Intel (5)

This Is Where the Fun Begins•, Hello There!•, You Underestimate My Power••, Knowledge and Defense••, General Skywalker•••, General Kenobi•••, Standing Orders••••

Close the Pocket, Breakthrough, Bunker Assault
Surface Scan, Marked Targets, Recon Mission
Ordnance, Cunning Deployment, Strafing Run


9 Activations

Darth Vader (Dark Lord of the Sith) 170 + 65 = 235
--Burst of Speed (10), Force Choke (10), Force Push (40), Inspiring Presence (5)
General Veers 75 + 8 = 83
--Electrobinoculars (8)
2x Snowtroopers 42 + 33 = 75 x 2 = 150
--Flametrooper (20), Snowtrooper (8), Recon Intel (5)
2x Stormtroopers 42 + 25 = 67 x 2 = 134
--T-21 Stormtrooper (20), Recon Intel (5)
E-Web Heavy Blaster Team 60 + 8 = 68
--Linked Targeting Array (5), Barrage Generator (3)
AT-ST 145 + 25 = 170
--Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10), 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (10), Linked Targeting Array (5)
TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank 125 + 29 = 154
--Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10), RT-97C Rifle Pintle (14), Linked Targeting Array (5)


11 Activations

Han Solo 100 + 22 = 122
--Vigilance (12), Up Close and Personal (8), Environmental Gear (2)
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) 175 + 60 = 235
--Force Push (40), Burst of Speed (10), Saber Throw (5), Offensive/Defensive Stance (5)
Chewbacca 90
Rebel Veterans 48 + 38 = 86
--CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9), Concussion Grenades (3)
2x Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper 38 x 2 = 76
Rebel Veterans 48 + 35 = 83
--CM-0/93 Trooper (26), Rebel Veteran (9)
Rebel Troopers 40 + 34 = 74
--MPL-57 Ion Trooper (27), Rebel Trooper (7)
Rebel Troopers 40 + 33 = 73
--DLT-20A Trooper (26), Rebel Trooper (7)
Tauntaun Riders 95
A-A5 Speeder Truck 65

Common Cause•, Son of Skywalker•, Reckless Diversion••, Full of Surprises••, Notorious Scoundrels•••, Change of Plans•••, Standing Orders••••

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Di 9. Apr 2019, 12:05
Spielsysteme: AoS, 40k, Saga, Freebooters, Bolt Action

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von _Narrenkönig_ » Mi 28. Aug 2024, 21:31

Besser spät als nie die Ergebnisse aus dem Monat Juli
Juli Prequel Saga.PNG
Juli Original Saga.PNG

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: Do 18. Aug 2022, 21:28
Spielsysteme: SWL / SWA / SWXWING / SWSP / Summoners / LI / BA / BG / BT /Freebooters Fate

Re: ISB - Armeelisten / Tabelle / Divsionen

Beitrag von Highn » Mo 9. Sep 2024, 17:04

Die Star Wars Legion Liga geht in die Runde 4...hier die neuen Listen für den Monat September Prequel Sage:


12 Activations

Super Tactical Droid (Kalani) 85 + 20 = 105
--Improvised Orders (5), Aggressive Tactics (15)

General Grievous 130 + 18 = 148
--Strict Orders (5), Up Close and Personal (8), Recon Intel (5)

2x B1 Battle Droids 38 + 18 = 56 x 2 = 112
--E-5s B1 Trooper (18)

2x B1 Battle Droids 38 + 16 = 54 x 2 = 108
--Radiation Cannon B1 Trooper (16)

B2 Super Battle Droids 64 + 40 = 104
--B2-ACM Trooper (24), PK-series Worker Droid (12), Emergency Transponder (4)

Geonosian Warriors 45 + 15 = 60
--Force Pike Warrior (15)

IG-100 MagnaGuard 72 + 36 = 108
--Electro-whip MagnaGuard (28), Comms Relay (5), Impact Grenades (3)

3x STAP Riders 80 + 5 = 85 x 3 = 255
--Linked Targeting Array (5)

They Too Will Suffer•, Trained in Your Jedi Arts•, Preservation Protocols••, Supreme Commander••, Roger, Roger!•••, Do Not Underestimate Our Means•••, Standing Orders••••

Breakthrough, Bunker Assault, Recover the Research
Destroy Enemy Base, Recon Mission, Surface Scan
Strafing Run, Advanced Intel, Ordnance

Martin J.:

10 Activations

Director Orson Krennic 65

General Veers 75 + 5 = 80
--Improvised Orders (5)

Snowtroopers 42 + 74 = 116
--Flametrooper (20), Snowtrooper Squad (46), Recon Intel (5), Impact Grenades (3)

2x Stormtroopers 42 + 20 = 62 x 2 = 124
--DLT-19 Stormtrooper (20)

3x Range Troopers 60 + 28 = 88 x 3 = 264
--T-21A Range Trooper (28)

2x AT-ST 145 + 30 = 175 x 2 = 350
--Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10), 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (10), AT-ST Mortar Launcher (5), Linked Targeting Array (5)

Maximum Firepower•, Voracious Ambition•, Deploy the Garrison••, Evasive Maneuvers••, Annihilation Looms•••, Imperial Discipline•••, Standing Orders••••

Bunker Assault, Close the Pocket, Breakthrough
Sweep and Clear, Bring Them to Heel, Destroy Enemy Base
Advanced Intel, Ordnance, Cunning Deployment


12 Activations

Leia Organa 75 + 18 = 93
--Vigilance (12), Portable Scanner (6)

Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) 175 + 50 = 225
--Saber Throw (5), Force Push (40), Jedi Mind Trick (5)

Rebel Troopers 40 + 31 = 71
--DLT-20A Trooper (26), Recon Intel (5)

2x Rebel Troopers 40 + 25 = 65 x 2 = 130
--Z-6 Trooper (20), Recon Intel (5)

Rebel Veterans 48 + 26 = 74
--CM-0/93 Trooper (26)

Fleet Troopers 40 + 25 = 65
--Scatter Gun Trooper (22), Impact Grenades (3)

Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper 38

Ewok Slingers 35 + 2 = 37
--Duck and Cover (2)

2x Tauntaun Riders 95 + 6 = 101 x 2 = 202
--Tenacity (6)

AT-RT 50 + 15 = 65
--AT-RT Flamethrower (15)

You Serve Your Master Well•, Son of Skywalker•, No Time for Sorrows••, My Ally Is the Force••, I am a Jedi•••, Assault•••, Standing Orders••••

Intercept Signals, Recover the Research, Breakthrough
Recon Mission, Surface Scan, Destroy Enemy Base
Cunning Deployment, Advanced Intel, Strafing Run


11 Activations

Han Solo 100 + 13 = 113
--Improvised Orders (5), Up Close and Personal (8)

Cassian Andor 90 + 6 = 96
--Overwatch (4), Environmental Gear (2), A280-CFE (0)
--Loadout: Duck and Cover

K-2SO 70 + 14 = 84
--Emergency Transponder (4), Jyn's SE-14 Blaster (10)

Din Djarin 95 + 44 = 139
--Up Close and Personal (8), Situational Awareness (4), The Mando's Jetpack (15), Grogu (17)

Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers 44 + 22 = 66
--Pyke Syndicate Capo (18), Targeting Scopes (4)

Rebel Troopers 40 + 33 = 73
--DLT-20A Trooper (26), Rebel Trooper (7)

Fleet Troopers 40 + 40 = 80
--Scatter Gun Trooper (22), 2-1B Medical Droid (18)

Rebel Troopers 40 + 27 = 67
--Z-6 Trooper (20), Rebel Trooper (7)

Rebel Pathfinders 56 + 40 = 96
--Bistan (33), Duck and Cover (2), Recon Intel (5), A-300 (0)

AT-RT 50 + 25 = 75
--AT-RT Flamethrower (15), HQ Uplink (10)

Tauntaun Riders 95 + 16 = 111
--Tenacity (6), HQ Uplink (10)

Sorry About the Mess•, Sabotaged Communications•, The Hand Thing••, I Like Those Odds••, Covering Fire•••, Change of Plans•••, Standing Orders••••

Breakthrough, Recover the Research, Shifting Priorities
Marked Targets, Recon Mission, Surface Scan
Advanced Intel, Cunning Deployment, Fortified Position


10 Activations

Clone Commander 60

Clone Captain Rex 95 + 23 = 118
--Esteemed Leader (5), Up Close and Personal (8), Recon Intel (5), JT-12 Jetpacks (5)

Clone Trooper Infantry 56 + 123 = 179
--Fives (40), DP-23 Clone Trooper (22), Clone Trooper Infantry Squad (56), Fragmentation Grenades (5)

Arc Troopers 58 + 88 = 146
--Clone Captain (22), DC-15x ARC Trooper (37), Offensive Push (6), HQ Uplink (10), Recon Intel (5), Prepared Supplies (5), Impact Grenades (3)

3x Arc Troopers (Strike Team) 24 + 37 = 61 x 3 = 183
--DC-15x ARC Trooper (37)

Arc Troopers 58 + 82 = 140
--Clone Captain (22), DC-15x ARC Trooper (37), Up Close and Personal (8), Recon Intel (5), Prepared Supplies (5), Fragmentation Grenades (5)

Arc Troopers 58 + 40 = 98
--Clone Commander (22), Up Close and Personal (8), Recon Intel (5), Prepared Supplies (5)

AT-RT 60 + 15 = 75
--AT-RT Flamethrower (15)

Synchronized Offensive•, Call Me Captain•, Lead from the Front••, Take That, Clankers!••, Attack of the Clones•••, We're Not Programmed•••, Standing Orders••••

Close the Pocket, Intercept Signals, Shifting Priorities
Marked Targets, Sweep and Clear, Recon Mission
Fortified Position, Cunning Deployment, Ordnance


Keine Liste vorhanden
